
A POWERFUL Search Engine !!!!!...   Use "Attachments"    Just put a  ✔ on Style and another ✔  on the artist and press search !!!  38,684 sorted and named Styles/PDF's and adding more everyday !!

Or use simply use "Search".   Just don't forget to use Quotation Marks...   eg. "Sound of Silence"

I created this Site because I wanted to be able to  ✔ Sty ,  ✔  pdf and ✔ an Artist  ..... Now I have every thing needed to learn a new song.  "Attachments - Filter by".

If you need a style and an E Z Lead Sheet, we probably have it.

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Where da heck is that song style ?

Started by Administrator, Oct 28, 2023, 07:00 PM

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This Site was designed primarily to work with Song Names. There are three different Search Engines.
1) Search
2) Attachments/Browse Files
3) Attachments/Filter By

My own preference is the last one

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 1.10.00 PM.jpg

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 9.30.37 PM.jpg

To see all from CCR - Put a √ in the CCR Box.
To see only Styles from CCR - Put a √ in the sty and CCR Box.
To see all pdf's from CCR - Put a √ in the pdf and CCR Box.

Let's say you are looking for ABBA Styles... So you go "Attachments/Filter by" and put a checkmark at "sty" and also check "ABBA".

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 9.37.34 PM.jpg

and you get this

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 9.38.59 PM.jpg

So now you want to see if there are any "ABBA" pdf's so you add a checkmark at "pdf"

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 9.40.28 PM.jpg

And you get this result

Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 9.43.59 PM.jpg

Rob C

It looks Great Ron , and very handy when people need a style
Yamaha Genos 2   Korg Wave state  Korg Micr x